Tuesday 30 December 2014

we drew

Its been hectic staring my new job at Drew Primary School in Newham. Amazing that I get to work with every child and teacher in the school, so far I've created with years 1, 3, 5 and 6, two classes per year group, thats about 240 children! I'm currently planning for years 2 and 4 and will meet these classes on the 5th and 6th of January 2015. Drew is a creative place with music and physical education a central part of the curriculum. Each art project is based on whatever book the class is currently reading and my knowledge of children's literature is blossoming through Skellig, Ice Trap, Emily Brown and The Thing and Tales of Wisdom and Wonder. I've just read A Necklace of Raindrops and Varjak Paw in preparation for the spring term and ideas are flowing.

I've not taken one photograph this past term, the intention exists .. but there is no time! So, I've been thinking over my memorable moments at Drew and this one stands out. In a year 6 class we were considering why an artist would make sculpture out of a temporary material like ice, I asked the class, why? What is the value of this? One of the pupils raised her hand and said, 'because nothing stays the same, everything is always changing'. I've not remembered the exact words used but the hairs on my arms stood up at this wise and profound statement coming from an 11 year old, showing her innate understanding and emotional intelligence. Watch out, I think this girl will take over the world!

Also, there are a couple of boys in year 3 who found it almost impossible to start a drawing, scared maybe that they would do it 'wrong', I never quite got to the bottom of it... Each week after encouraging them to try I began their drawing for them and they happily coloured in my work, at times there would be tears as I wouldn't draw straight away, giving them a chance to begin for themselves. On the last day of our seven week project they both (the boys are in different classes
) quietly drew and coloured their work, one showing me and telling me he was proud, the other working at his desk and me discovering him. I praised them both and wondered at their perfectly timed turn around and felt pleased that a small/big step had been made. 

It's nice that Drew is called drew, because that is what we've done.

Art Portfolios, year 3