Monday 27 May 2024

A morning in May - Draw Derby

A snapshot of a Derby morning in pencil, graphite, ink, collage and paint - thank you for permission to share folks!

Book your free place for our June gathering on Eventbrite here 🖐 ✏️ 

Sunday 19 May 2024

care collaborations - walking skirt

The Walking Skirt hangs folded over a wooden coat hanger in my living room/studio, a reminder of miles walked along paths that are the closest to what I imagine home must feel like, and where I am most at home in my body.
It was a warm spring day in early April for the final (10th) walk of the project and reaching the summit of Masson Hill I wandered into a chorus of Skylarks singing high above my head and filling the air with melody. I felt very small and that felt very good.  

The Care Collaborations are an element of artist Ruth Singer's ACE funded Cultures of Care project. It has been an absolute pleasure to develop this work within Cultures of Care and I hope to share more this summer - watch this space.