Saturday 16 July 2022


Having moved 6 times in the last 4 years and dealing with everything the pandemic has bought into our lives, I'm currently in low battery/preservation mode and have paused in updating my blog.

All focus is directed at finding part-time paid work(s) and securing a stable home where I can unpack and ground and b r e a t h e.

I'll pick up the threads of my practice soon (it's always buzzing around my head anyhow) and share all the fabulous things that are on the tip of my tongue 💥 

Thanks folks, sending best wishes to you all ❤️

Ink drawn insect in a handmade book made in 1944 - a gift for brother Wilfred
(inspiration for a hand stitched textile commission)

Thursday 3 March 2022

take time residency: day 2

Eek! Where did February go? Just realised I'd not added day 2 of the residency I set up at Haarlem Artspace in January 😶

Take Time: Day 2

See the a-n blog here and read about my frustrating day!


Tuesday 18 January 2022

take time residency

Excited to share that I've set up a mini residency with the studio holder participants of the Virtual Residency at Haarlem Artspace in November 2020. 

We will gather on the last two days of January 2022 to reconnect and focus on an unresolved and/or unattended creative itch in caring critical support. I've set up a blog on a-n to record our intentions, actions, progress and insights.

Work that came to a halt - The Tablecloth Cloak

Monday 17 January 2022


The idea to draw Derby has been floating around in my head for a while - so here goes! 

Draw Derby is a free-monthly-untutored-bring your own materials-outdoor-all welcome-gathering in the city centre. Come and meet like minded others and DRAW! Find Draw Derby on Instagram.

Draw Derby takes place on the last Saturday of each month throughout 2022. For further details and to book free eventbrite tickets for January's gathering click here.

Drawing materials at the ready, see you on the 29th ✋🏻✏️📗