Saturday 25 February 2017

out & about - the hepworth wakefield

Out & About 2017 came to The Hepworth Wakefield this week, considering sculpture AND the purpose built gallery itself, sited amongst derelict mills by the River Calder. Our school groups responded to The Gift, contorting their bodies into sculptural shapes, playing drawing games, drawing from description, drawing in teams. We used the floorspace in the learning studios to spread out and add depth, tone and colour to the communal drawings with graphite, charcoal and crayon. Participants pushed themselves, tried new approaches and some displayed pride in their achievements with mark making and card sculpture. It was odd/nice to be indoors. Next week Out & About travels to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park for the final adventure of this wonderful project. 
Stick drawing

 Four sided drawings of The Hepworth Wakefield

 Drawn and folded responses to The Gift

Body poses and story building in response to sculpture

Cut, slot and fold

 Large scale in the learning studios

 Action in gallery 5

 Drawing from description